Friday, June 3, 2011

Danish Camp

Danish Camp is one of the shorter trips we've gone on. It starts off with a pretty good 2+ mile incline up to a spur ridge then drops down a fairly steep drainage into the camp site. 

TJ, Christoff and Myself. On a warmer trip we'll definitely jump into this little pool we found.
"home tree"

Daniel see's the vista from the ridge and.... BEEYAHHHHH! 

my cousin Chris, apparently certain white people instantly "know" he's somoan
someone should've cropped this photo huh?

the kitchen

Pico Blanco Camp, LPF

Pico Blanco is the single largest deposit of limestone and marble in the state
the camp
the kitchen
Colder than a witch's titty ball but you can't leave Pico with out jumping in
The photographer didn't really know how to wait until EVERYONE was looking
After the storm pushed through, all these horny ass banana slugs emerged and started boning...
...this one was without a mate, Colt wasn't havin' it.

This is you're reward after a very deceiving 4.1 mile downhill followed by a surprise "cardiac hill" 2 mile incline and 2+ miles of over and under down timber and lime stone and marble ankle biters....


Jackson Camp, LPF

Pretty much the best "all around" camp we've been to so far(in my personal opinion). A somewhat challenging hike, two very spacious campsites, very easy access to fresh flowing water,tons of down trees for fire wood all nestled nicely under a beautiful stand of California Redwoods. 

Me and my brother Dan...yeah he pretty much copied all my shit! Not that there's anything wrong with that

The "Kitchen"


TJ not sitting in his Alite Monarch Butterfly Chair